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Cost Effective Source of Protein and Energy

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Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE)

Palm Kernel Expeller or PKE (also known as Palm Kernel Extract, or Palm Kernel Cake), is a by-product of palm kernel oil production.

PKE is a high quality, high energy supplement feed that can be safely fed to most ruminant livestock. Owing to its many benefits as a cost-effective alternative to other

supplementary feeds.

DAABON offers PKE among other products with high integrity, full traceability and the highest standards of sustainability.  


7 Reasons Why PKE Should be Considered in Stock Feed


1.    Cost competitive stock feed

It is a by-product of the palm oil industry, making it an extremely cost- competitive supplementary livestock feed ingredient.


2.    Totally safe for most livestock

It can be safely fed to most ruminant livestock, dairy, beef cattle, and weaned calves.


3.    Suitable for lactating dairy cows

It is particularly suitable as a supplementary feed for lactating dairy cows, and can be used year-round to increase milk solids production.

4.    Feeding PKE is easy

It can be fed as part of the Compound feed ration or as a straight through the TMR. No expensive specialized feeding equipment is required, so supplement feed costs can be kept to a minimum.



5.    High levels of protein and oil

It is a balanced feed that supplies high levels of protein and oil, providing nutrients essential for sustained production and growth, which grazing may not provide at certain times of year. Desirable fatty acids to promote milk fat production are essential for maintaining a stable diet.

6.    Can improve fertility

Good levels of rumen bypass protein will ensure the outputs from digestion and will benefit fertility.

7.    Even distribution throughout herd

Promotes milk fat synthesis, increasing value per liter. A rich source of digestible fibre. Good supply of non-starch digestible fibre energy and a very rumen friendly raw material. Allows energy intakes to be maximised without increasing the risk of acidosis associated with cereal feeding.


Palm Kernel meal will help all stock gain and maintain weight


Product Analytics

palm oil animal feed and pke nutrition stats

DAABON  Accreditations

All of our farms, mills and other facilities are accredited by RSPO, POIG and the Rainforest Alliance, amongst many other accrediting bodies. So, as well as constantly monitoring ourselves, we are being monitored and assessed continuously by numerous independent international bodies. 

organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - femas
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - rspo
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - rainforest alliance
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - poig
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - spott
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - soil association
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - eco cert
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - kosher foods
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - vegetarian society
organic palm oil suppliers accreditations - neoda
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59-60 Thames Street, Office 102, Windsor SL4 1TX

Tel: +44 175 327 2020 

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